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Ways to Build an Energy – Efficient Home

Donna Rogers

energy-efficiency-154006_960_720With energy costs increasing and concern for the environment, more and more people are showing an interest in building energy efficient homes. Not just are the effects positive from an environmental standpoint, however they can also positively affect the wallet, saving money in heating and cooling costs. By following a couple of guidelines in building and landscaping, you can have an energy efficient home.

Tight construction tightens the air penetration from home exterior and in the process improves the energy efficiency of the home. Tighter construction ensures that the air gaps, generally caused during framing are enveloped well by air sealing. This also improves the home air quality since the polluted outside air will not be able to affect the cleaner inside air. Thus, cooling in winter and heating in summer is aptly prevented.

Use improved insulation to stop heat transfer through the home. If insulation, that is free of crimping, gaps, and compression is carefully installed it could help keep warm air inside during winter months and cool air inside during the summer. By doing this you’ll have much less need of the heater or air conditioner because your house will retain the desired temperature. It’ll save you money in energy costs.

Also, consider high performance windows that are no longer very costly. Anyway, you’ll recover the extra cost through these energy-efficient windows because they come in improved materials like double glazing and special coatings that act as insulators for the glass. They don’t hamper your view through the window, but they stop heat transfer effectively.

Along with using high performance windows, make sure that the window framing is tight and that materials with low conduction are used. These materials consist of vinyl, fiberglass, and wood. Metal is a good heat conductor, and therefore not a good choice as a window frame.

Select energy efficient equipment to heat and cool your home. You can purchase this from numerous heating and cooling stores. You can reduce your bills by utilizing such equipment and save a great deal of money and be more comfortable, too.

Landscaping is a very important part of building a perfect house. Landscaping features such as trees can go a long way on making your home energy efficient. Trees offer shade and cool surroundings in summers and block chilly winds in winters. Although fully planted trees act as natural air conditioners they can really assist you to save a lot on energy costs.

You may make your house more comfortable and improve the air quality of home interiors by making your house energy efficient. This assists you achieve lower energy consumption bills which weigh less on your budget. Today’s technology and capabilities can actually help decrease unwanted drafts by resourcefully landscaping and building house that effectively makes use of energy.

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